Thursday 28 June 2012

Aku bulan Mac..!anda?

Assalamualaikum..aku tau post ni agak lame..what the heck?!orang dah tau lah..!tapi suka hati aku la blog aku..haha peace!! ok di bawah ini adalah senarai personaliti seseorang melalui bulan ia dilahirkan.Semoga anda mendapat manfaat daripadanya.
 *. bercita-cita tinggi dan serius orangnya 
*. suka mendidik dan dididik 
*. sangat mudah melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik 
*. rajin dan setiap perkara dibuat seperti nampak keuntungannya 
*. suka smart,kemas dan teratur 
*. bersifat sensitif,berfikiran mendalam 
*. pandai mengambil hati orang lain 
*. pendiam kecuali telah dirangsang 
*. agak pemalu,daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi 
*. mudah mendisiplinkan diri sendiri 
*. badannya sihat tetapi mudah diserang selsema 
*. bersikap romantik tetapi tidak pandai mempamerkannya pada orang lain 
*. cukup sayang pada kanak-kanak 
*. suka duduk rumah 
*. setia pada segala-galanya 
*. perlu belajar kemahiran sosial 
*. sikap cemburu yang sangat tinggi 


*. berfikiran abstrak 
*. sukakan perkara-perkara realiti 
*. bijak dan genius 
*. mempunyai personaliti yang mudah berubah 
*. mudah menawan hati orang lain 
*. agak pendiam,pemalu dan rendah diri 
*. jujur dan setia pada temannya 
*. keras hati untuk mencapai matlamat 
*. tidak suka dikongkong 
*. mudah memberontak apabila dikongkong 
*. suka kegiatan yang lasak 
*. emosinya mudah terluka dan sangat sensitif 
*. mudah mempamerkan perasaan marah 
*. tidak suka kepada perkara-perkara remeh-temeh 
*. suka berkawan tetapi tidak suka mempamerkan sikap kekawanannya 
*. sangat berani dan suka memberontak 
*. bercita-cita tinggi dan suka berangan-angan dan ada harapan untuk merealisasikannya 
*. pemerhatian yang tajam 
*. suka hiburan dan sukan 
*. suka kepada perkara berkaitan kesenian 
*. sangat romantik secara dalaman tetapi tidak pada luaran atau zahirnya 
*. sangat mudah dan boleh menjadi terlaluboros 
*. sering belajar untuk mempamerkan emosinya pada orang lain 


*. berpersonaliti yang menarik dan menawan 
*. mudah didampingi oleh orang lain 
*. santa pemalu dan pemendam rasa 
*. sangat baik secara semulajadi,jujur,pemurah dan mudah berasa simpati 
*. sangat sensitif pada perkataan yang dituturkan oleh orang lain malah diri sendiri dan alam persekitaran 
*. suka pada kedamaian 
*. sangat peka pada orang lain 
*. sesuai dengan kerjaya yang melibatkan orang ramai 
*. tidak cepat marah dan sangat amanah 
*. tahu membalas budi dan tahu mengenang budi orang lain 
*. pemerhatian dan penilaian yang sangat tajam 
*. kecenderungan untuk berdendam jika tidak dapat mengawal perasaan 
*. suka berangan-angan 
*. suka melancong 
*. sangat manja dan suka memberi perhatian yang sangat tinggi 
*. kelam-kabut dalam memilih pasangan 
*. suka dengan hiasan rumahtangga 
*. mempunyai bakat seni dalam bidang muzik 
*. berkecenderungan kepada benda yang istimewa dan baik 
*. jangan terlalu moody 


*. sangat aktif dan dinamik 
*. cepat membuat keputusan tetapi suka menyesal dengan keputusan yang diambil 
*. sangat menarik dan pandai manjakan diri 
*. mempunyai daya mental yang sangat kuat 
*. sangat suka mendapat perhatian orang 
*. sangat diplomatik(suka memujuk),berkawan dan pandai menyelesaikan masalah orang 
*. sangat berani dan tiada perasaan takut 
*. suka adventure,pengasih,penyayan,sopan-santun dan pemurah 
*. emosi cepat terusik 
*. mudah mempunyai sikap dendam 
*. agresif,kelam-kabut untuk membuat keputusan 
*. kuat daya ingatan 
*. gerak hati yang sangat kuat 
*. pandai mendorong dan memotivasikan orang lain 
*. suka sakit kepala dan dada
 *. sangat cemburu 


*. keras hati dan degil 
*. kuat semangat dan bermotivasi tinggi 
*. pemikiran yang tajam 
*. mudah marah kerana tidak pandai mengawalnya 
*. pandai mengerak hati orang lain
 *. perasaan yang sangat mendalam 
*. cantik daris segi menal dan fizikal 

*. tidak perlu kepada motivasi orang lain 

*. berpendirian agak lemah 

*. mudah dipujuk oleh orang lain 

*. suka berangan-angan 

*. bahagian telinga dan leher mudah diserang penyakit 

*. daya khayalan yang tinggi 

*. pemikiran yang tajam 

*. pandai berdebat 

*. mempunyai keadaan fizikal yang baik 

*. kelemahan dari segi sistem pernafasan 

*. suka kepada sastera,seni,muzik dan melancong 

*. tidak suka duduk di rumah 

*. tidak mempunyai ramai anak 

*. rajin dan bersemangat tinggi

*. agak boros 


 *. berfikiran jauh dan berwawasan 
*. mudah ditawan kerana bersikap baik
 *. berperangai yang lemah-lembut 
*. tidak suka menyakiti orang lain 
*. mudah berubah sikap,perangai,idea,mood 
*. mempunyai banyak idea baru 

*. bersikap sensitif 

*. sentiasa aktif berfikir 

*. sukar melakukan sesuatu dengan segera 

*. bersikap suka menangguh-nangguh 

*. bersikap terlalu memilih dan mahukan yang terbaik 

*. cepat marah dan cepat sejuk 

*. suka bercakap dan berdebat 

*. suka membuat lawak dan pandai bergurau 

*. otaknya cerdas dan suka berangan-angan 

*. mudah berkawan dan pandai berkawan 

*. orang yang sangat tertib 

*. pandai mepamerkan sikap pada orang lain 

*. mudah berkecil hati 

*. mudah selsema 

*. suka berkemas diri 

*. cepat berasa bosan terhadap sesuatu 

*. sikap terlalu memilih dan selalu memberi komen 

*. kurang mempamerkan perasaan dalaman 

*. merajuk(sangat kecewa) apabila hati terluka 

*. suka kepada barangan berjenama 

*. mudah menjadi eksekutif 

*. degil

 *. sesiapa yang memuji dirinya dianggap musuh tetapi sesiapa yang menegurnya adalah kawannya.


 *. sangat suka didampingi 
*. banyak berahsia dan sukar dimengerti(terutamanya lelaki) 
*. agak pendiam tetapi mudah bercakap apabila dirangsang 
*. ada harga dan maruah diri 
*. tidak suka menyusahkan orang lain tetapi tidak marah apabila disusahkan orang lain 
*. mudah dipujuk dan bersikap lurus 
*. sangat menjaga hati orang lain 
*. sangat peramah 
*. emosi sangat mendalam tapi hati mudah terluka 
*. berjiwa sentimental 
*. jarang berdendam 
*. mudah memaafkan kesalahan orang lain tetapi tidak dapat melupakan kesalahan tersebut 
*. tidak suka perkara remeh-temeh 
*. suka membimbing secara fizikal dan mental 
*. sangat peka,serta penyayang 
*. layanan yang serupa dengan semua orang 
*. sangat tinggi rasa simpati kepada oranglain 
*. pemerhatian yang tajam 
*. suka menilai orang melalui pemerhatian 
*. mudah dan rajin belajar 
*. suka muhasabah diri
 *. suka duduk di rumah 
*. suka tunggu kawan datang kepadanya tetapi tidak suka mencari kawan 
*. tidak agresif kecuali terpaksa 
*. lemah dari segi kesihatan perut 
*. minta disayangi 
*. mudah terluka hati tapi lambat pulih 
*. terlalu mengambil berat 
*. rajin dalam membuat kerja 


*. suka berlawak 
*. mudah tertawan kepadanya 
*. bersopan-santun dan mengambil berat terhadap orang lain 
*. berani dan tidak tahu takut
 *. orang yang tegas dan bersikap kepimpinan 
*. pandai memjuk orang lain 
*. terlau pemurah dan terlalu ego 
*. nilai harga diri yang sangat tinggi 
*. dahagakan pujian 
*. semangat juang yang tinggi 
*. cepat marah dan mudah mengamuk 
*. mudah marah apabila pandangannya dikritik 
*. sangat cemburu 
*. daya pemerhatian yang tajam 
*. cepat berfikir
 *. suka berdikari 
*. suka berangan-angan 
*. berbakat dalam seni lukis,hiburan dan silat 
*. sangat sensitif dan tidak mudah merajuk 
*. cepat terkena penyakit 
*. suka belajar untuk berehat 
*. sikap kelam-kabut 
*. romantik,dan berkasih-sayang 
*. suka mencari kawan


 *. sangat bersopan-santun dan bertolak-ansur 
*. sangat cermat,teliti dan teratur 
*. suka menegur kesilapan orang lain dan suka mengkritik 
*. pendiam tetapi pandai bercakap 
*. sikap tenang dan mudah simpati kepadaorang lain 
*. sangat prihatin dan terperinci,amanah,setia dan jujur 
*. kerja yang dilakukan sangat sempurna 
*. sangat sensitif secara keterlaluan 
*. orang yang banyak berfikir 
*. daya penaakulan yang baik 
*. otak cerdas dan mudah belajar 
*. suka mencari maklumat 
*. terlalu mengkritik hingga menyebabkan orang lain rasa benci 
*. pandai mendorong diri sendiri 
*. mudah memahami orang lain 
*. suka hiburan,sukan dan melancong 
*. kurang menonjolkan perasaannya kepada orang lain
 *. terluka hatinya sangat lama disimpan 
*. terlalu memilih pasangan 
*. sukakan benda yang luas 
*. bersistematik 


*. suka bersembang 
*. suka orang yang sayang kepadanya 
*. suka ambil jalan tengah 
*. sangat menawan dan bersopan-santun 
*. kecantikan luar dan dalam 
*. mudah berasa simpati dan pentingkan kawan 
*. sentiasa berkawan 
*. hatinya mudah terusik tetapi merajuknya tidak lama
 *. cepat marah 
*. seperti agak pentingkan diri sendiri 
*. tidak menolong orang lain kecuali diminta 
*. suka melihat dari perspektifnya sendiri 
*. tidak suka menerima pandangan orang lain 
*. emosi yang mudah terusik 
*. suka berangan-angan dan pandai bercakap 
*. emosi yang kelam-kabut 
*. daya firasat yang sangat tinggi 
*. suka melancong,seni dan bersastera 
*. pengasih,penyayang dan lemah-lembut 
*. romatik dalam percintaan 
*. mudah terusik hati dan cemburu 
*. suka ambil berat orang lain 
*. suka kegiatan luar 
*. orang yang adil 
*. boros dan mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran 
*. mudah patah semangat 


 *. banyak idea 
*. sukar untuk dimengerti 
*. berfikiran kehadapan 
*. berfikiran unik 
*. penuh dengan idea-idea luarbiasa 
*. pemikiran yang tajam 

*. daya firasat yang tinggi 

*. ada ciri-ciri menjadi doktor 

*. cermat dan teliti 

*. perosnaliti dinamik

 *. teralu keras hati dan degil 

*. suka berangan-angan 

*. banyak berfikir dan tidak pandai bercakap 

*. mudah mengambil berat tentang orang lain 

*. mudah kecewa apabila dikritik

 *. tidak pandai menghargai pujian 

*. romatik dan emosi yang sangat mendalam 

*. kelam-kabut 

*. suka duduk dirumah 

*. tidak pandai mengawal emosi 

*. jujur dan setia 

*. tidak pandai berkasih-sayang 


 *. setia dan pemurah 
*. bersifat patriotik 
*. bersikap aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan 
*. bercita-cita tinggi untuk berjaya dan berusaha mencapainya dan berjaya 
*. boleh menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dalam sesuatu oraganisasi 
*. seronok didampingi 
*. suka berkawan dan dengan orang 
*. bijak mengatur masa 
*. kurang pandai berpura-pura 
*. jujur,amamah 
*. cepat marah 
*. daya fikir yang sangat tinggi dan tajam 
*. perangai yang berubah-ubah 
*. tidak mudah ego 
*. sangat pentingkan harga diri 
*. tidak suka pada konkongan 
*. suka berlawak 
*. berfikiran logik 
*. suka aktiviti riadah 
*. orang yang adil 
*. suka ambil jalan tengah 
*. otaknya cerdas 
*. otaknya sangat bijak dan mudah belajar 
*. berpersonaliti menarik

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Pesanan untuk diri sendiri

Assalamualaikum...agak lame xmenulis neh..:p okayy currently I am in a happy test..and no etc2..Alhamdulillah...daripadaNya kita datang dan kepadaNya jugax lah kita kembali...ape yang kita ada sekarang hanya diberi pinjam sahaja buat sementara waktu appreciate the body,the health n rezeki yang diterima hari2 2...amin..aku sekarang a bit lonely lah sebab senior2 semuanye pergi main bola antara uniKL..tapi syok jugax sebenarnya..sekarang neh aku ada 8 buah bilik and 24 bijik katil...haa..sape nak sewa mai lah...rm2 je tok 2minit..haha..lepas 2 ada tv..tandas..kipas and so on lah..tapi yang paling syokknye ialah kereta,motor,skateboard n basikal semua milik aku(buat mase neh laa)..sebenarnya senior2 soh jage..soh tengok2kan..tapi xkan nak tengok je kan? laa..asal nak kua je wat2 tutup mata pas2 pilih kunci...ary neh dapat muto wat g kelas..esk plak wat..:p terasa kayer meta...haha..tapi semua neh barang pinjam so kena jaga elok2...same lah cam rezeki tadi...kalau kita asek dapat je tapi xpernah nak jaga..xpernah nak bersyukur..xpernah nak gunakan kat jalan yang baik xmustahil kena tarik balik nanti...haa...ingat 2...kita pinjam! neh aku xtujukan kat sape2 pom...cuma Allah ada berfirman yang manusia ini mudah lupa dan suka amalan ingat merperingati ini juga adalah 1 ibadah..1 dakwah..Dato M dulu 2 pau ayat dari sini lah...cakap melayu mudah lupa laa ape laa.....aku pun melayu..tapi aku tulis dalam blog so aku xlupa lah..haha...k lah layan bola dulu...Kelantan VS Teganu...GKG!!

Sunday 24 June 2012

In my opinion..

In the journal,writer want to test the relationship between parents' career interests and the career interests in young adults.The test was a success but its need more improvements.First of all,the tester only choose the student that study and live in the Hong Kong city where are mostly parents are businessman and businesswoman.So as a businessman it is their job to convince others to buy their products which also can be used to their children to pick their profession as a career.But what about the people lives in villages where most of men were farmers and women were housewifes?Do they encourage their offspring to do farmers work?I quess not.
The writer should develops their study in a bigger field to know the true answers. Apart from that,the writer also used the Holland's classification of careers and the Five-Factors traits in their study and found that openness related with artistic.There are somes,but there are also some peoples who love to do art but cannot accept their work to be critics,so I quess the application of this theory cannot be applied in this research.
Furthermore the writer also said that gender influences from a father to sons and mother to daughters to pick a careers is not rational.In my own opinian,in today's world,almost 98% of the female can do the male works and vice versa.The saying that a female cannot be a truck driver because it hard and need full attention to the driving but according to the research maded by the American scientist shows that girls are more alert than the boys.The research said that girls have the binoculars vision which see all thing while boys only have monoculars vision.
The writer also used a cross-sectional design and there was no direct evidence about the causal direction between parents and student participant. In addition,the writer did not measure parents' activities to examine their potential effects on children's career interests.The last is the participant was rewarded with some cash which is I conclude as money chasers.The participant maybe joins the research only for the money given.
The conclusion is the writer only wants to know the relationship between the adult and children interest of career.However,the critiction that I gave is to make sure that there is no pressure to the children that have to follow the results of the research.Be what you want to be and live life.


Method Research participants included 113 undergraduate freshmen and their parents.Student participants were enrolled in an introductory management course of a large university in Hong Kong.Fifty eight(51.3%) of them were female and 55(48.7%) were male. Procedure During the first lesson of the introductory management course,the instruktor invited all 150 undergraduate freshman enrolled in the course to participate in this study.Three questionniares were distributed to the 113 participant who accepted the invitation to join.An incentive of HK$150(about US$20) was given to each student and the form must be turned in within a month.The questionnaire included measures on career interests,personality,emotiooal intelligence and proxy of general mental abilities,in addition to their gender,while the parent questionnaire contained the measure of career interests. Results The writer found out that as expected,male student participant have significantly higher scores on realistic interests and female have higher scores in artistic.

An exploratory study on the relationship between parents' career interest and the career interests of young adults

In this study,the writer attemp to investigat the potential effects of parents' Hong Kong,results indicated that after controlling for personality,gender,general mental abilities and emotional intelligence,some of the parents' career interests were still related to the young adults' respective career interest.For some types of interest,the extent of influences is found to be contigent on the gender of respondents. (Personal characteristics and career-related variables) The extent literature suggest that personal characteristics such as personality traits and gender will affect young adults' career development.Definition of personality can be briefly explain as stable straits that influence how people think,feel,and behave across different situations.Personality is also based on genetics and environmental factors.The Five-Factors Model of personality is theoretically driven and widely researched.They are neurotucism,agrreableness,openness,extraversion and conscientiousness. To systematically examine the relationship between the Five-Factor traits and career-relevant activities,the writer use Holland's classification of occupational activities wheres there are six major type of career activities:realistic,investigative,artistic,social enterprising and convectional.The relationships among the dimensions of the Five-Factor Model of personality and the six types of career interest have been examined in numerous studies and the strongest associations were found among the following scales :

1.Openness and Artistic
2.Investigative and Social 
3.Extrversion with Enterprising and Social
4.Agreeableness and Social 
5.Conscientiousness and Enterprising and Conventional
6.Neuroticism and Enterprising 

 Apart from that,gender is also one major influences on the development of career interest and choices(Lent,Brown, & Hackett,1994).In a recent meta-analysis,Su,Rounds and Armstrong(2009) concluded that men showed stronger preferences for relistic and investigative jobs,while women had stronger preferences for conventional,social and aetistic occupations.There is also abilities that may affect the development of young adults' career interest.However,there are some generic tpe of abilities that have important impact on wether children and adolescenes can master different type of activities (Familial Influences on career-relates variables) While familial influences on young adults' career development have been well recognized by scholars,the conceptualization of this influences differs among studies.Some studies have concentrated on objective variables such as birth order and family system on various career-related variables(e.g.,Bradley & Mims,1992; Leong,Hartung,Goh&Gaylor,2001).

There are atleast two limitations in the extent literature concerning the impact of familial influences on career development.

1.Although the focus of these studies is on familial influences,few effort have been devoted by the writer to parent education concerning how the parents help the offspring in career-related issues.
2.Influences on variables related to career decisions-making self-efficacy. 

Futhermore,using young adults' own career interest to counsel them may be more effective than other reward based variables(salary,benefits etc).Finally,career interest are related to concrete activities.To develop some kind of interest,the parent applied it at home and provide chances for young people to actually engage in similar activities and help them master the activities.Thus,the writer wants to test wether parent were to shape their children careers.Futhermore,fathers may interact more frequently with sons and vice versa.If this can be supported empirically by the writer,then it will provide more evidences for assumption that parents' activities could have impact on the children's interest development.

Friday 22 June 2012

Tak keluar...Pancung!!

Assalamualaikum dan selamat malam readers...hahahaha...teringat pon nak tergelak dah...okay...ceritanya start camni...aku boring gile malam neh...xpenah aku nak boring sangat2 neh..aku pom meseg lah adik2 angkat aku neh..(bukan adik angkat p0m..tetiba diorang panggil aku abang..??padahal xkenal pon..haha)..papepom boleh..sedang khusyuk dok bincang(dalam sejam gax bincang) nak keluar makan kt mane neh tetiba datang perasaan malas dan kebetulan pulak senior ajak keluar dengan diorang...aku pon cakap lah kat diorang xjadi...hahaha...teros2 ja diorang wallpost aku...'aku sabar je dengan ko neh..kejap nak keluar kejap xnak cita apa maa?mau pancung kaa?'(part pancung 2 aku tambah je..sebab 2 je ayat dia selalu)hahaha...mampus aku malam neh..then aku pergi lah tanya senior balik...jadi ka nak keluar...senior2 2 pulak wat main2 cakap xtau...aku p0m ape lagi..start kapcai aku then meseg lah geng adik2 aku neh...'jom!otw'...dalam 15minit camtu aku sampai lah kat tempat kejadian...Dataran Ipoh..ilex dulu sat...sebab mase tu kebetulan lagu feveret aku sedang berkumandang...dalam 4minit camtu baru meseg balik..tanye diorang kat mane..korang tau diorang balas ape?aduh...sakit jew hati neh...'depan pintu rumah..baru nak pergi'..amboi?!aku punya lah pecut kapcai aku..(selalunya dari asrama aku ke dataran ambil masa dalam 3o-40minit)..memang menusuk jiwa lah tadi kena tunggu...diorang reply je cakap dah tadi pandai sangat lu main2 kan..?giliran kami lah plak...haha...sedih pedih je dengar ayat 2...memang dalam hati neh duk asah parang dah nak sembelih sekor2 sat lagi...tunggu punya tunggu (30mnit) xsampai sampai lagi..hai..main kasar nampak..aku pom call lah cakap aku balik dulu lah..(dalam hati memang panas neh)..tapi aku pikir2 balik.. xtergamak lah plak nak chow camtu jew...tunggu lah kejap lagi...pastu diorang pom sampai lah...tengok jew diorang teros padam api yang membara..makl0m lah..adik2 aku neh kiut miut orangnye...comel2 aje belaka...hahaha...then kitorang pom lepak lah kat salah satu kedai kat dataran tu..sebenarnya aku dah lama xlepak ngan sekali sekala keluar neh memang banyak lah cerita nak diperluahkan...tapi yang xboleh blahnya...terkejot gax aku rupa2nya adik aku neh nak jadi POLIS...haha..dah la garang..status memang xpenah ada yang elok r...tapi nasib baik lah bapak dia xbagi..kalau x..memang xmerempit lah aku...cikit2 nak tembak orang n saman orang je kje...haha..xpelah bagos gax sekurang2nya dia ada cita2...aku memang xde langsung time kecik2 dulu...huhu..papepom we all laugh to the fullest 2nyte..n as for me..atlast dapat jugax aku luahkan perasaan yang dah lama terkubur dalam hati aku neh...argghh!lega gila rasa!!..thanxs dikks..!!...dalam kow 1.30 tadi kitorang balik n aku plak sempat cari highway jap...dah lama xbawak laju...lepas angin jap...sempat lah 140km/jam terkantoi dengan pak polisi...nasib baik aku tengah laju so polis tu wat xtau ja...ala..kalau kejar pom tentu2 makan asapnye...*ayat poyo...haha..teringat plak kat cita2 adik aku tadi...kalau dia lah polis tu tadi asenye makan bom dah kapcai aku :p..tahniah kerana anda tidak menjadi polis yaa Dot..!haha..dan sekarang aku dok bertenggek depan tv layan germany vs greece where germany is leading by 1 goal...yeah!!go jerman go jerman yeah..!!jumpa kat final plak ye...haha..papepom I have a great nite tonite..thank to my sis(shieda,najihah n bro) for this lovely nyte...aku tau korang pom sakit hati dengan aku tadi n I deserved to be waiting there...:) pasal kematian hamster ko tu shieda aku p0m turut bersimpati kerana arwah baik orangnya(ayat jihah)..haha..Sekian.. P/s:Im jeles because I cant upload any picture in my blog due to my broken laptop..but InsyaAllah after this for the next very post will be include with photos..

Wednesday 20 June 2012

The day that I should lock me inside a pencil box

Assalamualaikum dan selamat pagi...!awl aku bgn ae neh..hoho..*padahal xleh nk tdo...huhu...dalam hidop aku,aku xpenah nak ada masa tok masalah..papehal aku kan cepat setelkan or ignored thqt problem or I take that problem as a challenge to myself....BUT when it comes to people,to a bother me sooooo much!kalau nk dibandingkan dengan dunia nyata macam korang nak tido neh n mase tu ada dale 39 ekor nyamuk dok merempit kat telinga korang...haaa..serabut kan??aduii..thats why lah aku salu pkir yang I was born to be ALONE!!tapi xlive lah kalau begitu..ini lah satu2nya dugaan yang aku xpandai nk counter..aku neh agak anti-social lah...sebab aku xpandai nk join conversations..huhu..biarlah..setiap masalah ada penyelesaiannye eventhough aku xtau kat mana salah yang aku dah buat..huhu...sedeyh! T.T okay lah..korang percaya x tentang hari yang SIAL@MALANG??hoho..kolot gile soalan...!okay aku tao..setiap kejadian yang menimpa ada hikmah disebaliknya....BUT...!! IF the UNlucky day always happens on the same day of the weeks...what do you think about that??seperti yang tersedia maklum...dalam seminggu ada 7 hari..dan bagi aku hari RABU je there must be something bad gonna happens..example: 1.Accident 2.Putus kawan 3.Putus cinta 4.sakit hatiiiii! 5.bergaduh@salah faham 6.dompet hilang 7.Laptop rosak 8.etc n bla..bla bla... So..agak2 lah kan..kenapa semua neh terjadi kat aku especially hari RABU??adakah kerana aku tersedia maklum begitu dan dijadikan doa dan dimakbulkan??tapi different story with Isnin(my day of birth and also our prophet day of birth)..good things keep coming in...haish!pening lah aku...haha..Sesungguhnya DIA lebih mengetahui dan segala pujian adalah milikNya...tapi aku nak tao jugax..korang plak camne??ke aku sorang je camni??o.0' huh..!tapi macam mana sekalipom...hidup perlu diteruskan..udara perlu disedut..makanan perlu disuap..sisa2 perlu dikeluarkan dan lain2 lah...last but not those that I do wrong,'crime' on the day before...I am truly truly tuli sorry....I dont have the enough luck to speak on that day because everything that I said that day will be poison and chocked you to death...!!haha..nonsense molep..!!k lah I quess thats all...hope you all have the nice day everyday and God bless you all...amin...peace yaw!!

Glenya weh berase malam neh!

Assalamualaikum dan selamat malam to all readers...currently watching tv2..a bollywod movie about a boy who was 12 inlove with a girl that 22 years old...later he wish a wish to a well to be a adult to flirt the girl..well to make this story a story his wish was 'dimakbulkan' and hes now trying to make the girl believe the fairy tales so that they can be together...the flirting..the dancing..(aku neh dah lame xtgk industan sbenarnye..haha)..the romantic moment kind of make me thing about wanting to have someone to be mine...haha..nonsense right?actually before I kind off anti-marriages type person before I get to my degree(hope soo..amin)...but the story just open my heart to a marriage!haha..sorry..still can't accept this...but its normal right?even for a 12 years old boy..(aish..gatai nohh!)haha...but this is a story only..where anything can happen...okay..this story was titled 'Au Wish Karein' and acted by I dont know who they are..sorry..haha..but the story is kind of slow in climbing to its climax but it fun to watch...for me laa...its make me kind of younger(cam la tua sanagt kan)...:p haha k sekian...

Saturday 16 June 2012

Miss E-citie

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera... Hari ni cikgu nk ajar cikit tentang internet protokol..ya?ya?..ok3..for the start my result for the last sem was supposedly can be viewed yesterday and you know what?ahh...very dissappointed!okay the UniKL student information are all gathers into 1web which is cik E-citie...there millions of student are of course worrying about their result to come so they all access the web yesterday causing the 'ping of death'(POD)...what is POD?wait...what is PING?I think the dotA players will know about ping rite?haha..ok ping is connection network administration utility used to check internet connection before making connection...the higher the ping the lower the connection because the normal ping is 32bytes..a normal computer system also cant handled a ping packet larger than the maximum IPv4 packet size, which is 65,535 bytes. Sending a ping of this size could crash the target computer and that what happens yesterday!the web cant be accessed!what the spoon?!I am dying to see my result..!!.well takot kena repeat paper mampoi aku... :p but praise to they have repaired the system and I have accessed my result was (........)with no pointer...dah laa tunggu cam tunggul semalam dapat check hari nie dia xconclude skali dengan pointer plak..haduii...but my result was(.....)and (......)repeat papers...(fill in the blank k..haha)Alhamdulillah...sekian peace yaw!!

Thursday 14 June 2012

Khutbah pagi jumaat by anak

Assalamualaikum dan slamat sejahtera... Aku xtao lah knape aku aku rse smgt sgt nk menaip pg2 buta neh...mgkin sb pg kot..otak maseh cergas kok..haha..papepom aku nk descibe cket psal true beauty....Allah itu cantik dan ske akan bnda2 ape bnda cantik 2...?xlain xbukan HATI...okay hati y cantik means hati yang baik...klu dah hatinya baik mesti pmkirannya pom baik n mesti perangainya pom cantik lah 2...rupa pras cantik pom seketika shaja...t tua2 xcntik hati y cntik smpy tua pom akan mnjd wut am I telling is...rupa paras bukan ukuran..hati y ikhlas yakni cantik itu y gua ukur..penampilan suku kira seorang y hatinya baik wloupom mmpunyai rupa paras y kurang cantik lbih baik drpd org y cntik paras rupanya...ble kte nk bgaul ng d pom ase cam len sket..ase cam lbih meriah(aku xtao nk guna perkataan ape..haha)...some kind like that even you are kurang cntik paras rupamu...jgn malu jgn segan sb Allah likes you much better...sbnrnye aku pom xtao aku ckap ape skrg neh tp cm2 lah..haha...okay time 2 sleep sekian...

Pening sii!!

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera.. Wo de huayu test shi hao so so lah...haha...time dok test 2 ttbe nset gua kegetaran...gue bkak la tgk..msg dr adik ku si!okay about my brother,erm...he had a disease that forbids him from any extreme activity..he is 18...fresh SPM the problem here now is he dont know what decision he has to make... okay he got applications from matriks,diploma n a brother I dont want him to go to the matrixs bcause I afraid that he could not afford the burden studying me matrix is like memperjudikan andai xlulus mampos lah kau nk kna apply UPU balik..klu llus pom nk pick courses degree on our choice susah beb...!done with matrix....skrg tggl f6 n diploma...the diploma he get was diploma in metallurgy at UniMAP...a part of engineering where only can be found at Perlis Darul Kayangan...I have friends there so I know a bit of enviroment at that University..okay UniMap neh cam poli..byk ke bengkel dr what am I afraid of is my poor brother body resistance...well I know he can do well than me in math n chemistry but NO physical stuff...kje2 kerani boleh la dia buat...huhu..the diploma of metallugy is one of the top 5 most wanted in the the salary is kcing!kcing!kcing! lah..a very demanded work... And lastly form6...I dont know much about form6 but I quess its the best!form6 student get the ability to go to the University about 69% more than others diploma or politeknik students...nk genggam ijazah pom lg guane?haha...tmbah2 plak skrg kerajaan buat form6 cam U dah semester2..n the pointer are accumulative through each the burden is lighter n the scholl is a stone's throw away from my home...its more safe in health n I think form6 is better...but when I membebel dkt adik ku neh dye boley aje g mkn...tgk tv...lpas 2 bru amek fon balik n ltak kt shit jaa...slalu mmbebel skrg lah...haha...xpelah...he said after tonite he'll make the decision with our Creator guidance(solat istikhoroh)...okay...wish you luck lah dikk...hope Alllah will always beside you...amin...

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Hatiku Gundah Gulai Gulana

act theres noting to write o to tell but my small 'me' inside xsedap duduk...
 Dye ckap 'post laa2x...xkan nk tdo je bang~'haha..
 Okay for the start,I have my huáyû(bahasa cina) test today at 2pm I quess n I think I have read all that I should know...wish me luck guys...!
But alang-alang menyeluk pekasam biarlah sampai ke rebungnya...
I just want to add that actually I am very sucked n fucked up at writing..but what a shocking moments when my frens that read out my posts say that my writing is not so bad at all..
.so I was hoping to who that read out my post will leave a comment below to show my penalty in writing so that I will improve better..
.dun worry I wont bite you...
I help you you help me rite?haha..
sharing is caring...
xiexie!(thank you)
 zai jian(gudbye)
wan an ta men(gudnite alls)

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Berkawan lah selagi boleh...

xde kwan mmg sepi idop kan?
 Well kwan aku dah ggur syahid hari neh..mati ditelan chat fb..
But after losing him,I now realise something..
.ramai lg y nk kwn ng aku rupenye..haha(bukan ayat budak hot OKAY!)
well..Im now alone in this hostel..but my stomach was singing n dancing like crazy so I went down to start my rusty 'kapcai' wheres suddenly a group of senior came to me...
 S:'Woi!nkg ane?' 
A: la nkg mkn neh bang~ 
S:oww..jom ikot ktorang..!
 Aku pom ikot laa..smpai kdy mkn 2 aku snyap jee sb xpnahnye tpk nk kua ng snior cm2..ps2 dyong pom mule lah wat autopsi kt aku pnye background...ckap pnye ckap sampai la dkt 7-8 lg geng2 dyorg dtg..
aku sorg junior neh..malu kot! aku wat slumber jer..
.n then we talked again about stuff gosipim takel awek meja sblah n etc..
.lpas abes malaysia vs singapore(2-0) 2 ktorang start blah...n mse 2 jgax lah dyorg ckp ade mase free gtao lah..ktorg bwk g jln2..lpak2 ke..
drpd dok mem'beruk' kt blik 2 cam pondan bek mai ikot ktorg cari pondan..haha..
 Then we all exchange our fon no n here I am..back home to my lonely room to write this blog.
So wut am I telling is maybe some person cant accept the REAL you as their frens but there r soo many other peoples in the whole world r waiting to be your fren as long as you r kind n ikhlas nk brkawan.
.jgn kwan mkn kawan sudaa.
.theres a phrase that pops into my head during this writing which is
'someone else's trash are someone else's treasure'
only I'm not the trash here..haha...but you get my point rite?
 Okay sekian..
peace yaw!!

Monday 11 June 2012

Intro of Me

I quess I owe some introduction of myself.. name is Ahmad Azam Lord bin Ismail..I was born at Hospital Besar Kota Bharu on 17th March 1992 by my mother laa...My mother was like a bit open...well almost everything I do she wouldn't scold me even  I skipped my class during my SPM..'
nk ponteng bleh tp jgn mrayau...blik umah..!!'haha
aku pom dlu klu pontneg ja msty dalam 10org cm2 wat balik umah aku..haha
While my father lax cam tegas cket tp open jgax...cume klu xsmyg jaa d 2 kisah dlu..skg xdah..
Aku dulu agak terer r..Sme sukan aku pegang terutamanya sukan padang pas2 UPSR dpt 5A je...PMR lax dpt 8A jer..cume SPM aku kuat men dpt la ckop2 makan..haha...dpt la tawaran kt politeknik...ps2 taun lpas aku dpt twaran kt UniKL Royal College of Medicine Perak so tros chow dtg aku skg bru sem 2..junior la lbih kurang..haha..Aku kt sini amek kos Radiography...boleh laa wat cari mkan..Robotik dlu ssah sgt nk score..aku bkn rajin sgt nk mgira n wat2 robot neh..haha..InsyaAllah 2 taon lg abes lah...Amin...:)
okeyh neh gmbar aku time aku botak(taon lpas) cam pitbull x??haha..peace!!

Thursday 7 June 2012

aku bukan bdak hot tp aku bangga jd AKU..

bgn pagi on pesbuk ps2 tgk daq2 puan dok like or komen kt page jejaka2 'hensem'..
pky skinny..bju band/brand ps2 dok edit gmba bg cerah..
muke sbnr xcerah pom tp psai edit dpt like bratos2,komen beribu2..
aduii..jeles aku tgk...
aku xphm larr ng gals neh..
dyorg nk cri kapel tok idop smti ke o sb nk mnnjuk kt mmbe2 'woi,pakwe aku nsem woi'(tp pix bg edit dlu lah..biaq cerah n hlngkan jeragat n jrwat 2)haha...
come on laa..
 Hudoh2 aku pom xde lah nk edit pix smpy nmpk bbyface or something like ssah..amek jew gmbr dr blkg o ats..xnmpk la udohnye..
lg bek drpd dok edit cptaan tuhan ps2 menipu khalayak rmai plak...
aku pom xtao knpe aku nk jles sgt..myb sb xde org nk komen aku nyer status kot..
pix aku pom xda org nk like..bdak hdoh lah ktekan..
papepom aku bersyukur kpdNya n post neh bkn nk mraih simpati org..jus aku pelik jaa....
aku tao stiap org ad klebihan msing2..
cam aku mmg buta alat muzik..
buta fesyen(pky pom srabai ja)..
buta IT sb xreti nk edit2 pix ni haa...
kdg2 sdeyh jgax pk nasib aku neh..
xde ke awek2 y nak kt aku...hahaha(pnjam ayat bdak hot sat)
xpela papepom belajaq lg penting n harapan ibu bapa aku xleh disia2kan...
awek2 neh len kali pom boleyh pk apa..haha...
tp klu leh aku nk gax explaination dr girls2 y ske tgk daq laki y edit2 pix neh..
pe y mnrik mnt korg nk like suatu2 pix 2..
ce habaq cket..
ceqq nk tau gax..

The Girl..:)

14 feb 2012..
a day that i'll remember..
the day that I start to know this one spesel gal..the gal that change my whole lifestyle...
 the day started when I post a situation that Im finding a person to join me balik kampung on a group..
then she like my post n add me..
so I begin my chat with 'awk nk join sy blik kg lah neh?'(something like that laa..) n then she reply 'no'..
but since that day...
we started to chat each time we were onlined..
a few weeks later..
my server broke down n a funny feeling came..
I miss her...
so I asked my friend in my class to send her my number..
but it doesn't make any changes bkoz Im still miss her..
yelaa...dkt smggu xmsg2 pom...
untill 1 day a text came says 'gudnite pakcikk'..
at that time I was so .........(unexplained feeling)..
later on we text n text n text n text n text....
...untill last 27th May 2012..
we both finally express our inner feelings n what a coincedence we both likes each others..
(well,I though her status were to some1 else..huhu)
 but I was to scared to build a relationship wit her..
she was so perfect..
she was so..
-n mostly kind...
so I think n think n I said
'sory..we not meant 4 each deserved better..'
..lame excuse I quessed..
but she accept it.
.n now I dont know if she really disposed that feeling or not.
.but as for me...
argh!why I cant forget bout her..?!
so jelous to see she comment or like others' boy status..
I was totally into her..
Im so regret saying soo...
it felt like half of me gone after the statement...
like my life is not perfect anymore...
but let bygone be gone...
I hope that she will be always happy n quickly find a good boy to be her husband..

Tuesday 5 June 2012

defend of the Ancients

Assalamualaikum...something new I want to share..DOTA..I quess this game were well-known among our tenageers now right??especially amongs couple..ape lg klu x psal gdoh si bf x eply msg lah...haha..a girl once asked ke DOTA 2 wakk..??kluaq ayaq mata aku nk ktawa..meh nk cite cket psal DOTA neh best x....

Defend of the Ancients is an action real-time strategy mod for the video game Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and its expansion,the game is about crushing your opponent to the ground and conquer their base.Firstly the gamers consist of 5-5 opponent which are The Sentinel n The Scourge..but to kill a Heroes from other group u must select a Heroes which r consists of 60++ Heroes which also have different capabilities n skill n range of attack..what am I saying here is you never get bored to choose the Heroes and play the game...

Once you choose a need money to upgrade ur strenght,agility,intelligence n power but the money only can be obtain by how to kill others heroes??thats lay the FUN of this must think a strategy to kill them..I quess 'a' isn't need hundreds...but don't worry..if you fail n you were to die in the duel,ur hero will respawn again n start hunting again..

The concentration to the games must 110% bcause in seconds you could be kill or kill others..thats y la kamiorang xleh nk eply msg korg time 2..hope the gurls will understand laa..haha..papepom the a game can lasts untill 25minutes and above..klu lg pndy d men lg lame game tu..kos no feed-ing...n the game only can be end by destroying the 'heart' of the enemy building...
For more information you can see the vidoe below.. :) 

Monday 4 June 2012

Kenangan di Poli Dungun

assalamualaikum duk2 termenung neh neh teringat plak my days at politeknik sultan mizan zainal abidin..okay..first of all I dun get the blushing colour for SPM so the only IPT that accept me that time is that poly...course mekatronics or some say robotic..the course is interesting but hardly to score bkoz it involve complex calculation and physics..(spe mnt fzik angkt tgn..aku ase cam xde kot..haha)tp my experiences there r worthy than anything.

1.I get to be the chief exco for the Jawatankuasa Pelajar Poli(JPP).
baru sem2 da jd exco..sbnye sem1 aku g interview n then mase interview 2 aku ckap aku xmalu..then d soh aku nyanyi kt ats pntas..aku pom nek lah...waloupon suare xsdap aku nyanyi jer lah n the song aku tjukan kpd kkak comel y interview aku..the masuk sem 2 lec penasihat dtg jmpe aku ckp awk ad kberanian n lantin awk jd ketua ok?ak pom ats dorongan kwn2 trime jer best gler..tiap2 ary leh ponteng klas sb ad meeting ng Pengarah o administration department pasal event or msalah semsa ng hal ehwal plajr..n the meeting wasn't only in teganu but over the country like klcc,ng sultan pahang n ng najib(pm).boleyh dkatekan dlm sblan smggu je ak g klas y len g event y aku wat mmg gempak lah..cth:X-games,futsal antara jbtan(electrik,elctronik,ict,awam,auto n plastik),bola,kayak,wall climbing n etc..mmg kaw2 lah duit poli aku kbas..haha
2.I get to play things that I never dream off
Well kat poli 2 byk kmudahan such as wall climbing n snooker...n the keys to the room n the apparatus was in my pocket...mmg kaw2 la aku men bnda 2....haha..papepom I get to break the record of fastest 100m wall climbing(11.37saat,brani lawn lah) n able to climbing through the hardest route.Snooker xyah ckp laa...mmg aku xpndy men..pndy jolok2 jeww..masuk nye xpnah..haha..but the best of all is Berakit slama 4 hari 4 mlm kt sungai phang...klu xslap aku dlam 200km+++ lbih aku kayuh rakit 2...xlah smpy 400km klu x jwbnye sblan lah aku kayuh bru smpy ke pnhujung sgai phang 2...the experience was owsome n mmg gelap gelita lah aku lpas 4 ary 2..perut mmg slalu menyanyi n mnari klparan larr..haha...but to those who love xtreme games like this you also should try this 1..the best ever!!!
3.poli 2 tlah mngjar aku mnjd seorg insan
okey aku bdak aku terbiase ng prngai bdak2 kg y bru nk up ah katekan n byk social stuff y ak da wat n aku regret wat sme 2..but alhamdulillah after I get to the change my life(mybe sb aku msuk JPP kot) poli jge pljar dyog mcam kluar smpy kow 10 je 4 boys n gals stkt kow7 jer..kt dlm 2 byk ang2 snior y bek gle...y alim n byk bg nasihat n cramah kt aku n kwn soh jd ummat nabi y sbnr..adat2 sbgai pljr n adat2 sbgai seorg anak slalu disemat lm jiwa aku..byk bnda len y dpt aku bljr dr dyorg n y pling aku bersyukr is I get the keyakinan to confront people(giving speach etc) n I learn about leadership.aku rse xsme org bley jd leader sb 2 ad phrases 'born to be a leader'..yup laki mmg wjib jd leader tok kluarga d tp mgki d fail dlm nk lead org..but I not syaing that aku gle kuasa nk jd leader je kje tp I think I have the ability to lead people..based on my experiences lah sb aku sem2...anak2 buah aku sme sem5 or dyorg hormat aku cam aku hormat dyorg...
4.aku ase cam xde jer lg but in other post plak...xkan nk cite sme dlm neh..jenuh orgnk bace..aku tao xde org bace pom tp the sinopsis of the story are :
  • if you want to do anything,just do it..pasal regret 2 suku kira lah..wat dlu..klu brjye u'll be the happiest person in the klu xbrjye jgn malu seyh..gagal skali x smstinye gagal lg..kan?
  • try new thing..well this also a sunnah from our prophet right?stiap cubaan bnda y baru(y halal laa) InsyaAllah dkurniakan gnjaran pahala..amin
  • kt mna2 pom jge lah adat korg...berbakti lah kp ibubapa n hormat lah seorg ulama,alim n lec or ckgu kerna darjat dyorg lbih tggi disisi Allah
Aku rasa stkat neh jaa...aku pom byk kurangnye so sgala y bek itu dtg drpdNye n y bruk itu dari aku...:)

Friday 1 June 2012

Bowling tournament I enter a tournament which the result r not so good but can lah sb dpt saguhati...haha...aku xpnah masuk tournament so for the first time of my life I never feel so nervous just to swing a ball...I have been talking or giving a speach in front of hundreds of people before but when comes to swing a ball in front of atleast 10(I quesssed) I fail..At that time the eager inside me growing to score a 'strike' but when the people cheering it makes me feel a little bit ackward n shy..well the people r facing your butt and we dont know what they do or what they watch..we just hear their voice...(alasan je sbnrnye..)papepom I managed to get 4 strike and some spare...Today was a new day for me to accept that I was not so good in bowling and have a practice b4 entering a tournament...:)